To solve the long-standing leakage issue in the DN1000 irrigation line of DSİ 3rd Region Kütahya Kureyşler Dam, Gutermann brand ZONESCAN 820 model noise logger correlator was utilized. As a result of the 3-day work conducted by our expert personnel, the leakage point was successfully identified.
Previous efforts with acoustic microphones had not yielded results, and as a result, the officials who reached out to us were greatly satisfied with the prompt resolution of the problem that had been ongoing for months.
During the inspection, a loss of 4 bars in pressure was identified in the line. Through the use of loggers placed on control valves and hydrants, the exact location of the issue was determined. Subsequent checks revealed that the pressure loss had been resolved. As Aykome Company, we take pride in this successful work that contributes to agricultural production and value addition. For detailed information and our expert team's solution recommendations, please feel free to get in touch with us.