MKEK (Machinery and Chemical Industry Corporation) Acquired Infrastructure Map!

August 24, 2021

MKEK Ensured Infrastructure Safety with Aykome Prior to New Constructions

With a history dating back to the 15th century, MKEK brought all its existing infrastructure facilities at the Kırıkkale factory to light with the help of Aykome. In order to ensure infrastructure safety before commencing the construction of a new underground electrical gallery, Kırıkkale MKEK Institution, covering an area of approximately 3 km, conducted cable and pipe detection, obtaining a map of the passage of metal and non-metal lines underground.

In this process, which utilized state-of-the-art devices and the expertise of skilled personnel, all intricate infrastructure facilities were resolved swiftly. Depths and directions of lines such as drinking water, wastewater, natural gas, electricity, and telecommunications were identified and mapped. Thus, MKEK acquired its own infrastructure map.
