Aykome & Nivelco made a significant contribution to the experimental setups designed by Kırşehir Ahi Evran University to measure tsunami intensity and ground movements during an earthquake. This experiment setup, known as the "Hydrology Experiment Setup," became an important laboratory project for the country and was featured internationally in the Nivelco-2022 magazine, which includes selected projects. You can access the full magazine and various applications that Nivelco has implemented worldwide through the link below. https://www.nivelco.com/news?id=magazin_22_1
The Multicont and Easytrek products used in the project were chosen primarily for their high measurement accuracy. EasyTREK, based on NIVELCO's 35 years of ultrasonic experience, is used for liquid level measurement in tanks or reservoirs, tank content measurement, or flow measurement in open channels. The transmitters provide an analog output proportional to the liquid level to be measured or transmit HART®️ digital data. MultiCONT is a universal interface between NIVELCO's HART®️ enabled smart level transmitters and other system elements. It serves as an interface in process control systems such as PCs, PLCs, displays, and actuators.
For project details, you can visit our website and contact us. www.aykome.com.tr